Concepts et objets mathématiques

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by D’Amore Bruno, Fandiño Pinilla Martha Isabel
Concepts et objets mathématiques (D’Amore Bruno, Fandiño Pinilla Martha Isabel), In In: Gagatsis A. (ed) (2001). Learning in Mathematics and Science and Educational Technology. Atti del Third Intensive Programme Socrates-Erasmus, Nicosia, Università di Cipro, 22 giugno -–6 luglio 2001., Nicosia (Cipro):Intercollege, 2001.
Bibtex Entry:
   author    = {D'Amore Bruno and Fandiño Pinilla Martha Isabel},
   title     = {Concepts et objets mathématiques},
   journal   = {In: Gagatsis A. (ed) (2001). Learning  in  Mathematics  and  Science and  Educational  Technology. Atti  del  Third  Intensive  Programme Socrates-Erasmus,  Nicosia,  Università  di Cipro,  22  giugno  -–6  luglio  2001.},
   pages     = {111-130},	
   year      = {2001},
   publisher = {Nicosia  (Cipro):Intercollege},
   url       = {},